cadwork 3D Cabinet is the main tool for free construction that can be used for design, assembly, list ,machine data and all relevant drawings needed for manufacturing.
cadwork 3D Cabinet is a product that covers the whole trade and can be used to speed up the manufacturing process. cadwork 3D Cabinet is user-friendly and user oriented which makes it easy to learn.

Thanks to its versatility and ease of use, it provides advantages in time, flexibility, speed and quality that warrant a successful business.
The list and shop drawing modules automatically create all documents based on the 3D model. Creation of marketing documents, dimensioned shop drawings and bill of material in custom layouts has never been so easy.
cadwork 3D Cabinet can efficiently mass produce kitchen cabinets with the use of 3d libraries as well as complex custom projects.
Here are just a few key features that make cadwork 3D Cabinet stand out: control features like collision checks and production numbers, lists and shop drawings export, user defined libraries with standard parts as well as the use of standard panels and beams.
Shop drawings as well as bill of material and production list can be easily calculated and exported. Once exported from cadwork 3D, it can be imported in other trade software for further use like pricing, inventory…
All parts that have intersecting volumes can be freely cut. The versatility of all functionalities and its ease of use make the Cadwork 3D Cabinet an essential tool for each designer. Data exchange with other CAD and management software can be achieved with different interfaces like IFC, SAT, DXF and many more.
With Blum Dynalog interface, all cabinets available in Dynalog can be imported including all hardware.